Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blog Stage 8

Blog Stage 8 - Response to a Classmate’s Blog
By Alyson Valdez

In, “Gun Violence? What do I care about it,” Ms. Nguyen voices her opinion over gun violence. She includes a story that represents her co-worker’s experience to being afraid in public when believing they saw a gun sticking out of someone’s bag. She provides some statistics over school and mass shootings, stating that there are on average 1.5 shootings per day. She believes the solution to the gun violence in America is to not just place restrictions, but ban guns altogether. 

I personally do not have an in depth/super established opinion over this topic; however, I do agree with Ms. Ngyuen over the fact that gun violence is a problem. In fact, just yesterday I was having a similar conversation with a friend because there had been a warning on the ACC Round Rock Campus of someone spotting a gun, and a shelter had to be put into place. I said to my friend that I found it strange that anyone could have possession of a gun in public, and that I would feel less safe being around someone with a gun, regardless of if it would be used for protection. Even the idea of having a gun in the car or at home sort of freaks me out. They are so dangerous and can so easily hurt or kill someone, especially in a hectic situation where actions are impulsive and rash. 

She defends that having stricter gun laws wouldn’t even help, because Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws and still encounters gun problems. I honestly agree with her on this as well, because it seems way too easy to acquire guns, and even outside of the law as well. I remember another friend speaking to me about how he went to a gun show and purchased a gun the same day, with no background check or identification? 

All in all, I think Ms. Ngyuen does a fine job explaining why America should ban guns altogether. I’m down for it, because I don’t really believe that the ability to purchase or own a gun is an “American right!” 

Blog Stage 8

Blog Stage 8 - Response to a Classmate’s Blog By Alyson Valdez In, “Gun Violence? What do I care about it,” Ms. Nguyen voices her opi...