Thursday, November 14, 2019

Blog Stage 6

Blog Stage Six - Response to a Classmate’s Blog
By Alyson Valdez

In “We Should Legalize Weed,” Mr. Speed voices his opinion over the legalization of Marijuana. He mentions that weed is already legalized in two states - California and Colorado. Although that is correct, there are still a number of states that are also marijuana friendly: Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Alaska, Michigan, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Maine. However, I do still agree with his point.

He states that the main reason marijuana is not yet legalized in all states is due to the fear of Mexican immigrants and their actions, such as “distributing ‘killer weed’ to school children,’ as well as the ill effects of weed. He points out that these are false facts - which I agree upon - and additionally references the fact that alcohol has caused more deaths than marjiuana. Although I agree with Mr. Speed over his statement, I disagree that fear of Mexican immigrants are the main reason; there are many reasons marijuana has not yet been legalized in all states. For example, lawmakers worry about adolescent access and are unsure of the extent of harm, Congress doesn’t prioritize this law on its docket, tax rates would be affected, republican’s frown upon the idea, etc. 

Furthermore, in his last paragraph, Mr. Speed reinstates his view on legalizing marjiuana, stating that the fears people have are illogical, and legalizing weed would be less harmful than substances that are currently legalized. Overall, Mr. Speed makes a decent point with his post - although I would have loved some information over the benefits of legalizing marijuana (such as medical benefits, less violence and crime, decrease in criminal penalties and over filled jails, government profiting, and much more).

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Blog Stage 8

Blog Stage 8 - Response to a Classmate’s Blog By Alyson Valdez In, “Gun Violence? What do I care about it,” Ms. Nguyen voices her opi...